The Species of the Osa Peninsula

species of birds, of which one species is endemic
are endangered or threatened within Costa Rica
species of plants

Have you ever experienced true connection to a fully intact ecosystem?

This part of Costa Rica is one of the most biodiverse, whole ecosystems left on the planet. Everyday spent on this land has been a profound experience.

Efficient Technology

Reducing energy use reduces energy costs and result in a financial cost saving to consumers.

Air & Climate

We deserve clean air to breathe and a sustain-able future that is responsive to challenges by climate change.

Efficient Technology

Reducing energy use reduces energy costs and result in a financial cost saving to consumers.

Water Environment

Water is at the heart of adaptation to climate change, it is the link between the climate, human society.

Water quality standards

The surface water quality standards help protect, control and regulate the quality of fresh and marine waters.

Energy Conservation

Energy conservation are efforts made to reduce the consumption of energy by using less of an energy service.


This is jungle immersion!

The Bioarca resides in 140 acres of primary and secondary rainforest. Access is by trail. Most of the Bioarca is protected by us as a biosphere preserve for prime tapir habitat, while 10% is managed to supply food and habitat for tapirs, tayras and other mammals including ourselves and our guests. 

The Peninsula is considered one of the most bio-diverse places on earth.

“Rainforest has my highest respect and in my opinion deserves support for its projects which have exceptional merit of being based upon biological research of high quality, exact mapping, and clear statements of what support will accomplish.”
John Costa
Biologist and Conservationist